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How Genetics Play a Role in Chronic Eczema

May 13, 2022 2 min read

How Genetics Play a Role in Chronic Eczema

Wondering where your child’s chronic or severe eczema came from? The reason for eczema and flare-ups is not exactly known by medical professionals yet. Even though the specific cause of eczema is unknown, researchers believe that those who develop eczema do so because of a combination of genes, environmental factors, and stress. In this blog, we will dive into genetics and chronic eczema to learn more about how to treat this multifactorial skin condition.


Let’s explore genes! Genetics refers to your family’s health history. We all inherit genes from our parents. In other words, a child gets one set of genes from the father and one set from the mother. Genes can even increase the risk of a family having certain health conditions, like eczema, asthma, and allergies! Recent studies have found evidence of several specific genes that may play an important role in eczema. That means, if eczema is common in your family, it is possible that your child may have inherited some of the genes that express the condition.

Normally, the skin functions as a barrier that protects us from irritants and germs. If you suffer from eczema, this skin barrier has “cracks” allowing these irritants and germs in, which trigger inflammation. These genes affect the skin’s function as a protective barrier leading to an eczema flare-up. If your family’s genetics play a role in your child’s eczema diagnosis, please know that this is not your fault! While chronic eczema is frustrating, it IS treatable with the right natural skin solutions and approach.

As a pediatrician and a mom, I understand how important it is to provide the best care for your kids. When it comes to dealing with chronic conditions such as childhood eczema, it can feel scary and frustrating to find answers. Please follow along our Dr. Sylma social media pages to learn more about childhood eczema and receive our best tips on how to treat and manage this painful skin condition naturally.

Here's to your little one's good health + happy skin!

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